
Become a customer expert

Information is power. Your customers have more of it than ever before. Whether you work with multinationals or consumers, your prospect can benchmark your products and services against your competitors' within a few clicks.

But consider coffee. You can buy a broadly similar cup of the stuff for anything between £0.99 and £4.99. How does the top end of the market survive? Why hasn't it been eliminated by savvy customers? The answer is that they're not just buying coffee - they're buying a complicated set of experiences that, added together, represent the product's value. And that fact holds true whether we're talking about coffee, insurance, tarmac, or management consulting.

The customer's perception of value is key. But value isn't objective. It's not fixed. My dream IT outsourcing supplier is your ship of fools. It's not enough to lay out what your product or service is or does. To get to yes, salespeople need a way to show this customer that they want this coffee. And they need to be able to do so quickly. And that means having a deep understanding of this customer, ideally before they even open their mouths.

Salespeople are no longer product and pricing experts. To succeed, they must be customer experts. 


bespoke sales training

We design our sales training around your needs. We offer one day refresher workshops, long term transformation programmes, and everything in between. Please get in touch with us to talk through your objectives

Industry experience

We have extensive experience of training sales for people from insurance, reinsurance, consultancy, medical devices, aerospace, and property investment and management.

We have worked with call centres, client managers, frontline staff, sales executives, and account executives.